Friday, April 6, 2007

Pain and Prejudice

I'm curious about other peoples reactions to this article by Paul Coughlin:

Pain and Prejudice

For me, it really resonates. And I think this article puts the finger on why I have such a burning desire to see men transformed by God. From my own experience and observation, men in general seem to be rather adrift in our society. We've started to believe the subtle lies that our strengths are not valued, and we're checking out. We're checking out of the church (even if we still attend) and we're checking out of our marriages. And instead we're checking into careers (at the expense of family), affairs, online pornography, making lots of money, whatever will dull the pain and help us feel successful and alive again.

I still remember when I realized back in the early 1990s that I really believed that the world would be a better place if men were just more like women. I realized that I had been believing it a long time, and that belief was the source of a lot of the pain in my life at the time.

I pray that the evangelical church in America will wake up to the tremendous resources and energy that we are squandering with our subtle messages to men. I don't think it is something we can change overnight because it's become part of the air we breathe. Most of us don't even realize it's there, just as I didn't. And I'm still waking up to the extent to which it permeates my thinking.

As always, feel free to disagree... :-)

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