Friday, April 27, 2007

Greatness and Humility

"When God has an impossible task, he takes an impossible person, and breaks him" (unknown author)

If you have a desire to do great things for God's kingdom, don't squelch it with platitudes about being humble and such. That may very well be the evil one speaking to you.

There is truth to the importance of humility, but if being humble means you give up on wrestling with God to break you so thoroughly that his greatness can just beam through you, then you are really missing out. Then you don't understand God's greatness and you don't understand how deeply God wants to bless you and make your name great.

Because the greater his children become, the more his character will be revealed both on earth and in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 3:10). Just don't expect it to be a cakewalk.

I know I'm not giving the whole picture, so feel free to help complete it in the comment section.

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